Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cold Alien Shore

The purpose of this blog will be to electronically document my writings and photographs alongside what I produce more "conventionally." That is, handwritten in a journal. Some of the writings that will appear on this blog will simply be copies of what is written in my physical journal, and others will be originals composed on and for the blog itself. Who knows, maybe I'll also copy blog entries into my physical journal.

The secondary purpose of the blog is, of course, to provide a place for anyone interested in my writing or photographs to consume and enjoy them. Much of the content will be regarding my travels.

Sometimes I don't feel like writing about a certain subject or experience even though it could probably yield an interesting story. So, if there's something you know about me that you'd like to read about, ask me to write about it and I probably will. I.e., What happened on your trip to [wherever]?

Most of the events related in this blog will be chronological, but not always. I hope it can be a collection of stories, taken individually for their own merits and together as a collection, rather than as any sort of "life narrative" where the entries are chapters.

I hope you find it interesting.

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